O N L I N E Y O G A C L A S S E S (APRIL / MAY )with Annette James
An opportunity to try a beginner level yoga class, suitable for all ages who are able to get down to and up from the floor. We have a separate chair yoga offer for those finding this difficult.These online yoga classes will introduce you to Hatha yoga. The classes will involve a range of standing, kneeling, sitting and reclining poses/stretches. We will also include a relaxation period and breathing exercise.
What are the benefits?• Yoga helps you to feel calmer and more at peace• Yoga helps you to improve your strength and energy levels• Yoga helps you improve your posture and breathing• Yoga brings a sense of wellbeing and positiveness
What will you need?You will need a yoga mat or hard floor to stand on with a towel/blanket to sit/lie on.You will also need a blanket to cover you up during our relaxation.
Time: 9.30 - 10.30am
How do I join?
We will then send you a confirmation with a joining link for all the sessions.
Online Yoga Classes - May